Angora Rabbit Fiber (1 ounce)
Fiber from English angora rabbits, except one color option from a French/English angora mix rabbit. Staple length runs between 2 and 4 inches. Very soft and slippery, generally with minimal vegetable matter. For photos of the different colors available, check out the Angora Fiber Colors page. Please note that the name of the color may not match common-use for that word, instead it matches the formal angora color name. For instance, "blue" is actually a soft gray.
French angora fiber is generally considered more coarse than English angora fiber, because French angora rabbits tend to have more guard hairs. We have one English/French angora mix rabbit (Dinah) in service; Dinah's fiber does lean towards typical French angora fiber and does actually have more guard hairs than the fiber from our English angora rabbits.
Fiber can only be shipped to addresses in the U.S. at this time. Please note that orders are fulfilled and shipped out once a week. Read the Policies for information on returns; it is better to contact Oswego FiberWorks with questions *before* purchasing fiber.