Handspun Barberpole Wool and English Angora Rabbit Fiber Yarn
This small skein is 1.5 ounces, about 61 yards. It's perfect as a little edging, or a bit of colorwork. It is a worsted weight yarn made of two plies that are strikingly different, creating a barberpole effect when plied together. One ply is made of a mystery yarn ... with a tag long forgotten and lost in the dustpiles under my knitting and spinning cabinets. The other ply is a delightful blend (washed and processed right here in NY!) of about 2/3 soft wool from a farmer friend in the area and 1/3 English angora rabbit fiber from our own upstate NY homestead. The rabbits in service for this blend were Penny, Elaine, and Frederick.
This yarn and all products made from it should be hand washed and flat dried. This product is already spun, washed, and set -- ready to wing its way to your home or wherever you send it! Orders received by noon Eastern Standard Time on Wednesdays will ship out by U.S.P.S. on the following Thursday.